Special ‘Snapshots’ Post: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
In September, I visited Bethlehem, Pennsylvania for the 2015 Runner’s World Festival and Half. I did a bit of running during the trip (obviously), but I also had some time for sightseeing and picture-taking.
Bethlehem is a moderately-small town with quite a bit of history. It’s where Bethlehem Steel, billed as the second-largest producer of steel in its day, was based. The company had its manufacturing operation in the town, and the town was based on the company — so much so that they share the Bethlehem name. Steel began to lose demand in the latter half of the 20th century, and the company had to shut down in the 1990s. Nonetheless, the production facilities remained, and the town has turned them into a tourist attraction. Today, Bethlehem is a small town that, from the eyes of a tourist, thrives.
Apart from Bethlehem Steel’s facility — known locally as the Bethlehem Steel Stacks — there are mountains nearby as well.